"We Klingons believe that death is an experience best shared."
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Dammit Jim, I'm a psychopath not an all loving God!
by Coded Logic inwhen did you discover that the god of bible - and the loving god that you had worshiped your entire life - were not the same?
how did it affect you?.
Dammit Jim, I'm a psychopath not an all loving God!
by Coded Logic inwhen did you discover that the god of bible - and the loving god that you had worshiped your entire life - were not the same?
how did it affect you?.
Coded Logic
When did you discover that the God of Bible - and the loving God that you had worshiped your entire life - were not the same? How did it affect you?
online placement
by berrygerry ini just opened a pdf of a wt.. would someone like to count a placement?.
Coded Logic
ROTFL!!! OMG, that's halarious!
God is not genocidal
by mistified inso at the meeting a few weeks ago the speaker was having a talk about inactive people and then he went on about how people think the god of the old testament was cruel and genocidal.
he then said that god and did not commit genocide because everything he did was for a reason.
i was shocked at how stupid that saying was.
Coded Logic
Genocidal maniac! Deuteronomy 7
" When the LORD your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you, 2 and when the LORD your God delivers them before you and you defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. . . But the LORD your God will deliver them before you, and will throw them into great confusion until they are destroyed."
Suggestion: Don't Accept Everyone's Opinion Here
by minimus ineveryone has an opinion on things.
oftentimes, we ask for help or want the view of the board in a matter.
but just remember, the comments are simply personal views.
Coded Logic
Informed Opinion: A postion based upon an understanding of the neccissary facts and a careful consideration of the principles at hand. Relying on evidence instead of limited personal experience.
Opionated: Conceitedly assertive and dogmatic in one's opinions. Relying on personal preceptions rather than facts.
The two are not the same.
"It's the intent that counts and not the result."
by donny in"it's the intent that counts not the result.".
i have been out of the jw organization for some 22 years now and i sometimes get a reminding jolt out the hoops that some will jump through to make their religion make sense to them.
the first line in this post is what a jw on the street here in salinas told me on saturday when trying to justify the society's history of false prophecies.
Coded Logic
What about the "intent" of the Catholic church? What about the "intent" of Budhist or Hindus or Muslims?
Good intentions are not an indicator of truth or worthieness to a cause or claim. Intentions are only as good as the information upon which they are based. And intentions based upon bad information can lead to disasterous effect.
by DATA-DOG infirst off, i am so happy that " tomo iii" is catching.
i dont know who said it first, but it's awesome.. i want to see him at a rc and say, " yo!!
Coded Logic
Why doesn't God do his own damn work and warn people himself. He's the one whos blood guilty.
It's true - Religion rots your brain!
by Coded Logic inthe more religious a person is, the more likely they are to suffer from hippocampal atrophy.
i guess a lifetime of cognitive dissonance can really take its toll.. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3adoi%2f10.1371%2fjournal.pone.0017006#pone-0017006-t002.
(early symptoms of hippocampal atrophy can include difficulty recalling the recent past and disorientation.
Coded Logic
The more religious a person is, the more likely they are to suffer from Hippocampal Atrophy. I guess a lifetime of cognitive dissonance can really take its toll.
( Early symptoms of hippocampal atrophy can include difficulty recalling the recent past and disorientation. It may also be marked by a difficulty in performing spacial navigation, which generally equates to a tendency to get lost, even in familiar environments.)
which is a better attitude: I can't respect it, but I understand it or I cant understand it , but I will respect it?
by MissFit inso is it possible to understand a reason and not respect it?
shouldn't understanding lead to a respect of the reasons and actions?.
or can you respect the reasons and actions without understanding them?.
Coded Logic
I do not respect actions that lead to unneccissary harm. People can be perfectly sincere and yet preform the most atroccious actions. When people of good intentions end up doing bad things - like letting their kids die because they refuse to allow blood - I am capable of pitying them. But I would never respect them.
In the case of your Niece and her boyfriend, they aren't hurting anyone and are, most likely, promoting goodwill and happiness. That, is something I DO respect!
Is the Society trying to self sabotage?
by truthseeker ini'm not going to list all the changes here that have happened in 2014, most of you who frequent the boards know about them.. in reference to anthony morris' talk, i can't help feel that the organization is behaving so abnormally out of character for itself that it is bewildering even to ex jws.. cultish behavior is perfectly normal for cults, but whats happened this year is so far out of whack it beggars belief.. what do they think they are doing?
are they psyching jws up for some major announcement?.
i can't help but feel that something really strange is going on, this does not feel like the regular "special announcements" followed by articles in the watchtower.. .
Coded Logic
I think the WTS failed predictions about the "last generation" is starting to take it's toll. The core justification and validation of the Society has always been the cleansing that supposedly took place in 1919. The fact that the world still has not ended - and has no intentions of ending anytime soon - is a real pain in their ass. Even the GB must be getting tired of their own mantra "any day now."
Wars are not becoming anymore frequent. Earthquakes are not increasing. And the UN shows no signs of waging a worldwide attack on "false" religion.
On top of that, they've realized their business model is not sustainable. People are giving less of their money and spending more of their time doing other things. Their only growth is in third world countries which is why so many of the publications have been simplified and the doctrine has been so dumbed down (to the dismay of countless witnesses). The JWs sense of community is the only thing they have left going for them (let's get together twice a week and talk about how much better we are than everyone else and all those who didn't bother to show up today).
The WTS is trying to capatalize on the JWs sense of connection as much as they can. It's too early to tell, but I hope this whole thing backfires on them spectacularly. Instead of attracting new people to the BORG they may end up alienating the base they already have. Perhaps the JWs will start realizing they can socialize with people outside of the BORG. That groupthink isn't neccissary - or even desirable- for friendships.
Call me crazy, but I predict within the next ten to twelve years we're going to see a mass exodus from this religion that will put 1975 to shame. Once the growth stops and the shrinking begins there's going to be a snowball effect. Why stay in if all your friends and family are out?